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Custom .25 cal Benjamin Marauder pistol категории  |  рейтинги  |  новые

This is not my pistol, it's my friend Guido's pistol.
Guido's Custom .25 cal Benjamin Marauder pistol
Questions about this pistol?
Ask Guido aka "Pistolman" here http://www.crosman-air-pistol-owners-forum.com/board/
If you are Dutch like Guido and I are, you can contact Guido aka "Pistolman" here http://www.luchtbuks.net/
His project started as a regular .25 cal Benjamin Marauder pcp rifle.
Tube, shroud and barrel length have been reduced, a Crosman 2240 trigger group with custom hardwood grips fitted,
The baffles have been replaced by a custom insert which makes this a neighbor friendly pistol as long as the backstop has been filled with layers of cloth.
A big thanks from Guido to the Dutch guys who have helped him make this project work !!
The pellets used in the chrony recordings were JSB King's 25.4 grain.
We also used 20 grain Diana Magnums and 43 grain Sam Yang pellets.
These Sam Yang pellets are known as Eun Jin's in the USA.
Shotstrings are shown in the video.
The Diana's were the fastest, 873 fps av. 8 shots
The Sam Yang's delivered the most power, 47 fpe av. 8 shots
This is a BEAST of a pistol, a true ratblaster.
Great job on the conversion Guido !!

Загрузил: Brutuz62    Адрес на YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4JDq-WA10I

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