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Benjamin Marauder .25 Review (A Real Hunting Air Rifle) категории  |  рейтинги  |  новые

CROSMAN 15% off COUPON!! Works on all Marauder Rifles (all calibers) and the Marauder Pistol.

Hello Guys, I have secured a promotional deal with Crosman Corp. It will get you 15% off the Benjamin Marauder if buy directly from Crosman's website. Here's what you have to do. Click on the following link:


This link will register your discount with Crosman's promotional vendor, and you will immediately be directed to Crosman's official website. You must go through this link for the promotion to work.

Once there, add whatever you want to your cart. When you go to checkout, you will have the option to enter a promotional code. Enter the following:


BAM! DONE! You could get the Marauder .25 for $433. And right now, I think Crosman also throws in Free Shipping and a Free Gun Case (Dec 2011).

The same coupon code TEDHLDVR2012 can also get you 15% off Centerpoint Optics by following this link:


Now, here's the strait dope. You get 15% off, and I get a small kick-back from Crosman - a sort of "finders fee", I suppose. It will help me pay for lead, equipment, guns, and range fees. So, if you are looking to buy a gun, and would also like to support my work, please consider this offer.

Thank you very much, guys!!! Ted



For detailed information on how to stop the "ping" sound, watch the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWZBxMZ7dbg


For information on Green Mountain Barrels: http://www.gmriflebarrel.com/

Загрузил: EdgunUSA    Адрес на YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEWtHusckvc

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